i love when you look at what you say your passions are and then realize how long its actually been since you have enjoyed them. Tonight is my lovely geography exam, i find all the information extremely informative and interesting however my mind does not like exams- especially multiple choice. So we shall see how that goes. Tonight will bring a photo session to dive into a new project for screen printing. I cannot believe how my semester jut refuses to let up, even for one breath. I will be able to go to my first cross race of this season, it will be weird, i am sure i will be all sad that i am not racing this year. What can you do? Over all i am just trying to stay alive. I got to do some yoga this morning and it was lovely. I just need to keep up on my stuff.
AOMIII is coming over tonight to pick up a painting we have of his for a show, dont know the specifics yet but once i do i will announce, its always good to show support and why not let your eyes have some aesthetic colorful dancing strokes in front of them. Arts shit is to say the least amazing.
To life and its obstacles and art.