
moving on up.

Since the knowing of my friend steve and his condition all I could do was be proactive. I didnt know where to channel my pent up anxiety about my friend and needed to feel like i could do something when we werent allowed to visit him in his condition. Friends, family, cyclists, coworkers, business people, screen printers.. everyone has shown love like you sometime forget can be displayed. It has made the whole process of the situation easier, on everyone. I hope you all know that with supporting Steve and his family he has shown huge strides and progress. I know a thank you is a thank you but if words could go just beyond that and have you all realise that that is the gratitude i have for you all then i could be pleased.

His mom hunted me down with stopping at my old bike shop machinery row and they were helpful enough to tell her where i was. fortunately she found me. It was the first time I met her and she is such a beautiful person. With much talking, her buying a surly cycling cap for steve, and much hugs it was just what the doctors ordered for both of us. She came to say that steve wanted me to visit and he was really excited. Obviously tears could help but come once she left. I was so touched that she sought me out. Today I plan on bowing out od the bike shop a for a while so i can go and get some much needed time in with Steve.

I have a huge box full of goodies with more coming!

Thanks again and thanks to you who have donated to his school fund! You are amazing.