Today I decided to really clean. That normally means your come upon things in your past that you either put away for a reason, hide, or something that you thought at one moment I will need this or see it as something valuable. Something provoked me to go through my tea box. Yes, I love tea that much. Alone in that one box there were treasures and things one only wishes they do not have to think of again. I found letters I wrote from college. Tea that I shared numerous conversations and depth with. (my favorite teas) Then I found my Zen Dream tea. Which I have had since I was in high school. It reminds me of art class, since that is all I really did. I opened the tin only to find 2 packets left, but the smell brought me back to the moment and place. I closed my eyes and I was there. My Rishi tea brings me to a certain movie. I think of how tea has been a large part of my life. Once I fell for someone cause he offered me tea as a beverage, hot tea... it can do wonders for me.
There is something about the process of the person growing the plant, letting it age to the proper time, then picking it by hand, with love and grace, then choosing the type of tea, then bagging it or having it be loose, then to the person and who they share it with. No wonder the English love their tea as much as they do, its not about just the tea its about the experience. the mood it brings the conversations that occur, the love of connectedness that flows.
Something about process in most things I hold near, and sometimes I think people could appreciate life more if they just think about the things they have and how so many people have been apart of these things.
To you sip your tea.
to top it off I am watching before sunrise. bliss