I decided to join an MS walk. My mother grew up with a close friend. Their families were friends and they were the best of friends. Mary is one of the most beautiful souls that I have ever met and she means a lot to me. She has come to holiday get togethers and she enlightens everyone she meets. She has a certain knowledge of the world that comes from compassion that most people can never get to. Her heart is a unique thing and for her inspiration in my life I want to pay it forward to her and people like her! She has been diagnosed with MS for some time now.
My fathers long time friend and my godfather Ken also has been diagnosed with MS. He is a lovely gent and has love for everyone around him. He gives great bear hugs and sincerely cares about people. Over time it has slowed him down and has been lessening him to be able to do the things he loves most. Hunting, running around with German shorthairs and his family.
These people mean a great deal to me.
Seeing that my birthday is the day before the Madison MS walk I only thought it was appropriate that I start my 24 years of living in their names to give support and some sort of love that I have always felt was gained from them. These people are special, not because of MS it is just a part of their life that they refuse to bog them down.
We could all learn a lesson from these two beautiful people!
If you would like to donate to my walk that would be more then appreciated and know that it is going to a great cause and from one heart to another!
Thank you for your time.
Here is the link to my page, I just set it up. Lets see what we can do.
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