
an ED-venture.

The holidays, for me, always bring on the pondering.

Of things like.. the new year and life, what I am doing at the moment, what I hope to do.. etc. I seek many things in life, in my dreams most of those things are real. I love sleeping for this reason. I am thinking about taking on a new. I want to study the way people are people. I may express myself through the blog or to not piss some people through personal diaries.

I sometimes think I am a 'more' sensitive person, more in tune.. to how people talk, their body language, their tone, their eye contact. This has been something through out my entire life I have been on a heightened level of awareness, sometimes I see that as a negative because I read into things more then most people. Then I started to think maybe it is 'okay' to be in tune to these things and to know more of a science, if you can, behind how people are and maybe more so dissecting the why behind it.

The why in terms of insecurities, lack of understanding, jealousy, having different sense of humors.. etc. I decided to turn my sensitivities into an exploration of the people in my life and the people around me.

It feels right, so we shall see how this goes.

be aware of yourself.