just as the season is rearing its beautiful head, there is change in the air. The crisp blue skies, the swirling crunchy colorful leaves on the ground. The flux in weather. Cyclocross season coming, not going to be a part of this year due to a shortage of money surplus. Selling some bikes selling stuff I dont use. Feels good to get ride of some things. Warm tea sees to be craved more and more. Hot chai teas with soy milk. Red wines warm meals. School is taking control of my time but i am taking control of school. Trying to stay on top with the last punch if it were a never ending boxing match. An Atumn cold has reared its way into my body but Echinacea pills trickle down my throat with healing power. Markos tattoo continues to be delayed, which is unfortunate. the treadmill keeps my feet busy.
I am waiting for the day to be able to lay in the crunch leaves.
I'm bummed you won't be doing cyclcocross this year. I think you should still whip out the occasional race if it fits. that'd be awesome
i know just seeing pictures and everything i am super bummed! I already sold my bike and everything. Next year when school is done and i have the money i will be!
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