This past week i was fortunate enough to be in a sunny state of florida. I was with my friend lisa and we went to visit her mama. the week was just what i needed a warm blanket of sun upon my skin the sounds of water. Yoga was the most occuring activity. We went to the everglades and took a venture with the aligators on an air boat. Our gide was a local probably since he was young he was wipping shitties and trying to get us muddy it was more then i expected. check off the life list. A quick drive another day brought us to a beach that wasnt packed with the crazy spring breakers it was relaxing. as i greeted to ocean with spinning with a smile from one to the other i couldnt help myself but feel one with the earth one with myself. I spun with no care of the people around me with no care in the world. I lived in the moment and as i sit here typing i can shut my eyes and fall back to that moment. I had a few moments of silence for the people that have inspired me in my life while standing in the ocean and looking at the sun. I have never had such a serene and spiritual experince in the water. I know why so many people love it so passionately. new ideas for tattoos has sprung. I was greeted when i came back to the midwest with a large snow storm. not what i was hoping for but we have learned to take it day by day.
This break was just what i needed to come back and hammer out my last semester with positive energy.
my goals once i am done, get a puppy, become certified to be a yoga instructor. and live. pictures will come of a african birdie and some puppies.
the never ending shit run.
i am exhausted. I wish i could float above all this craziness and breathe.
then to now.

Where my blog has lacked is where my wood creating has flourished. My grandpa is a great carpenter and its something that has been passed down the family, with out one being placed in my fathers generation, Maybe it jumped to me? As I dab my hand in, at creating lighting fixtures and relating it to words I found my inspiration where i normally do, mustaches. It is a mustache sconce. (light fixture that hangs on the wall). With having to mold bend near 20 pieces.. I am ready for the home stretch. This semester is my final semester before I graduate this may. There are mixed feelings.. do i get all i can out of it and have no life (the path i am currently taking) or do I just float on and enjoy my life also... ? That is the question TO BE OR NOT TO BE, is something it always tend to come down to. Shakespeare was a very wise man and very fluid.
The people in your life make or break you and I am fortunate to have surrounded myself with the ones that make you. When i am exhausted and acting fucking nuts they settle me. When i am about to cry because of this or that they make me laugh.
In my area of screen printing -due to my want for spring- I have dabbed my hands in making clothing, mainly dresses, then printing on them for my work. This is a very rewarding way to go about it yet all at the same time consuming.
Currently I have a piece in a gallery, "love is a disease" one of my prints... Very exciting.
as i become closer i will take a venture to a warm state to the South east and be able to wear my dresses and shirts and have the sun lay gently upon my skin.
family root you into a person you are and want to be. They love you no matter their differences. being together gives strength.
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