Where my blog has lacked is where my wood creating has flourished. My grandpa is a great carpenter and its something that has been passed down the family, with out one being placed in my fathers generation, Maybe it jumped to me? As I dab my hand in, at creating lighting fixtures and relating it to words I found my inspiration where i normally do, mustaches. It is a mustache sconce. (light fixture that hangs on the wall). With having to mold bend near 20 pieces.. I am ready for the home stretch. This semester is my final semester before I graduate this may. There are mixed feelings.. do i get all i can out of it and have no life (the path i am currently taking) or do I just float on and enjoy my life also... ? That is the question TO BE OR NOT TO BE, is something it always tend to come down to. Shakespeare was a very wise man and very fluid.
The people in your life make or break you and I am fortunate to have surrounded myself with the ones that make you. When i am exhausted and acting fucking nuts they settle me. When i am about to cry because of this or that they make me laugh.
In my area of screen printing -due to my want for spring- I have dabbed my hands in making clothing, mainly dresses, then printing on them for my work. This is a very rewarding way to go about it yet all at the same time consuming.
Currently I have a piece in a gallery, "love is a disease" one of my prints... Very exciting.
as i become closer i will take a venture to a warm state to the South east and be able to wear my dresses and shirts and have the sun lay gently upon my skin.
family root you into a person you are and want to be. They love you no matter their differences. being together gives strength.
1 comment:
someday my mustache will be that full.
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