Steve (the one in the cycling cap) is a really great friend of mine from stevens point. He is really really into biking. He is the biker that lives for one more second with the air in his face the pedal rotation in full force and just being free. I know as a large biking community bike support helps in the best kinds of ways. Steve recently got in to a gnarly bike car accident where he was hit by a cement truck in stevens point wi. He is an amazing artist and graphic designer. This accident has broken his neck, fucked up his spinal cord, he has pnemonia in both lungs, facial fractures and a broke arm. His jaw is wired shut and fortunately he wrote some words yesterday. Steve is and always will be one of the best people i know. He is completely himself and doesnt alter it to be someone that he is not.
As i got news of this on this past wednesday I am trying to pull every damn string i possibley can. To have this diagnosis of paralization something that is just a barrier in a course, a rock garden in a mountain bike race, a tight gap in a crit, a wrong turn in an alley cat. He as a passionate biker will not settle and I want to ensure that he knows that the bike world is routing for him and that people believe in him.
If there is any shwag and thing that you all can give up to motivate my "little brother" steve that would be much appreciated. I am going to try to get him sore rad bkb, twin 6 and swobo goodies since those places tend to care about the biking enthusiasts.
Thank you and please do email me if you have anything you would like to give to support steve. he would be stoked about anything bike. email (mm.rutz@gmail.com)
With love and compassion.
so far a HUGE THANKS to Ryan at TWIN six for donating a box of goodies to steve. A company that goes above and beyond! THANK THANK THANK YOU!
Another HUGE thanks to Dan Powel at the lovely local Planet Bike for doing all he can! I seriously am in awe of peoples compassion! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Another huge thanks to the trek store of madison West. You all are rock stars and much appreciated in this hard time! I love you all.
Hurl from the lovely Minneapolis where punk will never die. HUGE THANKS TO YOU FOR SHOWING COMPASSION AND support in the cycling community! GO CARS ARE COFFINS!
Another huge huge thanks to Steve from Swobo for jumping on the love wagon and hooking up steve smith with all sorts of swobo organic goodies! I am truly overwhelmed and blessed to know so many radical people!!!!! THANK YOU SWOBO. THANK YOU STEVE!!!!
A local wors racer Rachael Is trying to gather all that she can to help out steve, sram shows people that dreams can come true!THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
And a special thanks to my brother-almost in law, jesse creepyfriendly for donating one of his stellar poster that were sold at one on one in minneapolis rad rad rad. steve will be stoked since his also is a graphic designer. the best part is that it is a silk screen print! gnarrrrrly! Thanks Jesse!
hey, man, steve garro here. i'm the guy who builds bikes at coconino cycles. on 10/5/05 i was crushed by a truck on my bike. i shattered my femur, broke my neck, got an incomplete spinal cord injury t11/t12, broke 7 ribs, punctured my lung, fractured both kidneys, tore my liver, ripped my eureter and bruised my adrenal glands and my spleen and almost bled to death. somehow i lived after a coma spell and near total paralization, and after much rehab i continue to build custom bicycles, ride my off road armbike, sitski, kayak and even walk a little bit with crutches! it's been a long road. check out my blog of what my life is like now: www.coconinocycles.blogspot.com and feel free to contact me for tips and contacts. here's my info: coconinocycles@yahoo.com rock on, keep it up. my best to you, i've been there, man. steve,
DUDE! that is so bad ass. marko who met you at single speed worlds in 05 told me about your story and this morning we were looking at you cycles. to see if we can figure out a way to raise money to maybe have you build him a bike. that is amazing the interconnectedness that occurs in this world and especially the biking world! you are an inspiration to me and for my fiend steve! I saved some pictures off your blog to show steve. Thanks STEVE!
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