
Michi- gan

This past weekend Mark and I went to Michigan, Traverse City. The Iceman was underway and was not so icy, well till the end of the race at least. It was a cold awakening that progressed over the three days. The drive was long but full of things to look at like the beautiful water, trees, and other ridiculous sign-age! It seemed like a good race to bring a dog to but I was empty handed. Maybe next year. We however did miss the dog fair here in WI.

This week has been consumed with wood working, staining, and cutting. Getting ready for the holidays, getting in trouble at work, oops.. it was nothing, but emotions. ha. Trying to kick my project in the ass by getting done quickly!! I hope that it all goes smoothly, it is coming together. Hopefully I can make my little sample pieces into something beautiful. Our house is clean, but not our clothes.

Is snow ah coming?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we shouldnt have picked up that hitch hiker.