first cross race. at that
first race ever. got out there about 9ish. i was a little excited knowing that my race started at about 10:45. saw a few people that i know. registered. rode the loop just to see if it changed much. felt kind of shitty after that even.
more and more peole came. lots of people from the store i work at
machinery row bicycles. chris, derek, lyle, and more started in the cat 4 mens at ten. started good. looked like it was kicking their ass.
butterflies started to spin and dance in me. bikes around, i got the comment.... you are a mountain biker arent you... ? my response "no but i want to be." we lined up. i was in front and nervous as fuck. evie and i were right next to each other. she said just start off good. so that was the last thought i had in my head before i heard the whistle. i exploded like a bullet with all the nerves and excitment. i literally killed it. i was in the lead by a pretty good distance then a little guy passed me at the volley ball court. i had an alright time with the mounting and dismounting. then people started to gain and i was probably at about 6th place for the first few laps. then i kept loosing my strength and they gained. with my tire pressure where it was i struggled at the road riding. i bit in the volley ball court when i thought i could ride through it. not a good call. but i finished and had fun. my mom and many were there cheering me on. thanks marko for the water, mom for coming. everyone else for the screaming vulgar things. that always helps.
sorry for my sailors mouth if i swore in front of little ones while riding. when i am in the zone i am in it. good job to luke in cat 2 john and dave in cat3,kristin in cat1 women for killing them. renee in cat 1&2 jesse and MarKO in cat 2 way to get paid for the thing you love. AND A HUGE thanks to RENEE for setting up the rad course and giving me a pint glass. you know i love the free things in life.
kill it and ride. meghan