no actually i am rather satisfied thank you.
anyways. point. none.
laughed till i cried today...felt great. chinese eaten. nose hoop killin. sea salt-had. nose killin. still. painting marko. painting penises. painting still life with a chain ring in it. ubber cool. looking and drooling for a mountain bike. mark keeping his eyes open, niice. vooooodooooooo-green-twoniner-rad. save save save your money meghan.keep selling football tickets. bike! tomorrow hoping to get out to badger prairie to get a good hard ride in for the race this weekend. looking like i will only be able to make it to the sunday one-due to art. and life. been tired latley...thinking its the weather. looks like its going to be about 47* tomorrow. nice.
okay heres something to remember....
erection. its a scene from a movie, its an outlet of a store, sound of a sword itsa n orchard of peaches. your wife in the shower. walk through the bar. oooo ouw ooo erection. you know its not only love dear. i can flip the switch on. though it probably should be. ooo ouw oooo erection. a monument in the park. its the cock of the riffle. memory in the dark, you try to keep it a secret. you try for perfection..... ooo ouww ooo erection.
i like the faint. no?
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