i must admit i do love the sound of rain drops on my window at night.
love the one you love. meghan

today was an adventure. drove from appleton to my cabin in WI rapids. then got tazo drove to minneapolis. about three hours into it my mom realized that we dont have any keys to get into our house! hott damn. so we get here about 3 finally get in our house a little after 5. SUCKed. now we are finally in our warm house where tazo is terrified. one thrashed door handle, one scared cat, two some what cranky ladies, a warm house, and not too much food.
ton of crazy things coming for this family in the near future that i am SUPER stoked about i wish it was tomorrow... however i cannot say a word, i am sworn to secrecy!
and i found out today that two of my friends that are lovers are getting married this summer.
the holidays make for a crazy time. that is forsure!
we care a lot.
these are just some of the pics taken by the james lalonde.. of the crazinesssssss.

check his shit out

check his shit out
beer. horns. and cross.
what more could a girl ask for?
seriously. rode up with marko, jesse, griff, jenessa-spell?... and got there to catch the cat four mens race. the stars and hearts were swarming all over the place. even though i am sick, i can still be one hell of a super fan. there was a crazy crew today of fans which made it extremely wild. -it was actually a rowdy-ER crew then the mpls last weekend. some new comers came... a new jonny cycles cross bike ridden by zach. i am going to steal it.james lalonde, papa lalonde both made an appearance! took some photos. then came more beers in the belly and wow was i feeling pretttttttty good, you could say. ha. mark handed me his water bottle to do a hand out and i told him that it would probably be better if someone else did that for him. i recruited another less beerfilled person to do that job. MY job for the race was to blow a french horn, holy shit did i love doing that! and i also am proud to say i handed out a miller. ha while blowing the horn, holy shit. TALENT. marko was just spinnin his arse off and it really paid off, he bruised his ribs or something, which i then tried to hug-my bad.-beer-. he was getting all stoked up from the crowd screaming and ringing their bells and the hoooooooooorn. marko knifed this race with getting a 5th, and a metal. SO PROUD.
quote of the day said to me...
"your horn was magical"....
me-"i did it for everyone, not just the riders!"
anchors away. meghan
seriously. rode up with marko, jesse, griff, jenessa-spell?... and got there to catch the cat four mens race. the stars and hearts were swarming all over the place. even though i am sick, i can still be one hell of a super fan. there was a crazy crew today of fans which made it extremely wild. -it was actually a rowdy-ER crew then the mpls last weekend. some new comers came... a new jonny cycles cross bike ridden by zach. i am going to steal it.james lalonde, papa lalonde both made an appearance! took some photos. then came more beers in the belly and wow was i feeling pretttttttty good, you could say. ha. mark handed me his water bottle to do a hand out and i told him that it would probably be better if someone else did that for him. i recruited another less beerfilled person to do that job. MY job for the race was to blow a french horn, holy shit did i love doing that! and i also am proud to say i handed out a miller. ha while blowing the horn, holy shit. TALENT. marko was just spinnin his arse off and it really paid off, he bruised his ribs or something, which i then tried to hug-my bad.-beer-. he was getting all stoked up from the crowd screaming and ringing their bells and the hoooooooooorn. marko knifed this race with getting a 5th, and a metal. SO PROUD.
quote of the day said to me...
"your horn was magical"....
me-"i did it for everyone, not just the riders!"
anchors away. meghan
bikes bikes and more bikes. where to put them all.
awaiting the arrival of the voodoo 16inch frame twoniner in the lovely green. seems to not come quick enough. realized i may need yet another bike to more properly fit my new paul rack. on the tour right now but a little cluttered, with the handle bars and such. maybe i will be the inexpensive bianchi single cross bike and turn it into my ultimate commuter. with the the lovely flat bars or marys and my paul rack. just found out yesterday that i have walking pneumonia or bronchitis. and have really for a month now. SHIT. my first thought, man i could have done better in racing with out this shit. NEXT YEEEEARRR. i am looking to do wors next year to kill my bike in other ways and myself really. so we shall see. it is all up to BTI to get those bitches in then under my ass. got a nurse shirt SJ style for about then bucks, on sale of course, but nonetheless beautiful. and An ANCHOR.
anchors away. meghan. if anyone knows status on voodoo let me know.
anchors away. meghan. if anyone knows status on voodoo let me know.
emer'gen-C action

today was a better day then yesterday. (even though i made killer lasagna yesterday) but i am feeling sicker. at work there was some chemical sprayed awhile ago and ever since my lungs have been full of lovely shat. now it seems to be heading into a head cold. so i am sucking the emergenc down in a BKB bottle. just like when i was a young lass? anyway made stretchers for my canvas- super stoked about this painting... took awhile. trying to figure out school and just how much i have left. less the better. got my swobo tshirt and paul rack in the mail, have yet to attach but after this week i shall have enough time for that. waiting for the voodoo to be ready to be loved by this lady. green=goddess. hope that i feel up to par for this weekend, but other things are also a factor- besides my health. turkey day is a coming. anchors away. meghan
image by the infamous sailorjerry.com love it, hate it.
bleeding mascara.
minneapolis this weekend. when driving up to mpls mark and i got stuck at a stand still for two hours. got interesting at the end cause we were getting antsy and hungry-ER. so a trip that takes about four hours took approx too long. when we got there all was good. the race was the next day i started at 12:00 which is later then normal, which i liked a lot. they had the MENs cat 4/5 and the juniors went a minute before us ladies, so essentially we were all riding at the same time. hopping on was good, barriers were fine, even the big hill was alright, it was the mass amount of stairs that kicked my ass. i felt like crap the entire race. i didnt get the best start because i was a little hesitant about what was going on. took off did fine killed the barriers, hill good i ran up it, because i could run faster up it then people were riding. lots of turns and dirtish/sand. bit twice in the same spot, messed up my knee a little-some blood, i liked going through the single track im better at that then grass riding. kept going some girl bit or messed up at a set of barriers and i was right behind her and nailed her bike. haha. then i was going up the slower climb near the start and some guy decided to fix his bike at a diagnol right in the middle so i started being like get the hell outta the way! rar. the last lap came i caught a girl at the very end, she decided to ride the hill and i gave it all i had left and ran up and out sprinted her to gain on more place ahead. still havent dropped outta a race yet. even though i thought this one was going to be my first. i ended up with 8th place. which isnt horrible, but i wish i did better. of course. then markos race came at a little after 2. him and jesse were pounding away, it was hard to get ahead at the start line but soon mark made his way up the line and was looking really fucking good he was cranking on that bike of his. amanda and i were being the boys water supply, which was good. jesse felt like ass and decided to stop after about 5ish laps around there. mind you that they did about 3-4 laps and heard 9 more to GO. HOLY SHIT. anyways. marko killed it. it was a really fun course to watch. and ride for that matter. we left before marks results were up to see how he did. i think he kill it.
more on this later with pictures and marks placing.
more on this later with pictures and marks placing.
i scream for the ones i love.
so heading out to minneapobliss this morning with marko. to stay at my parents place and then go and kick some ass at the minneasota cross champ. course. it is a pretty radical course, with stairs, water, mud, all the glory of cross that i hoped for! super excited for the challenge! its supposed to be snowing today so the drive to mpls will be an interesting one. jesse will be there, and i hear the djonn will also be there, super cool. there will be the bkb in full stride, at least a little part of it. anyways if you will be there see you then, otherwise good luck to all the people racing this weekend in good ol wisconnie.
(even though i am dissapointed at wi at the moment)
(even though i am dissapointed at wi at the moment)
road rage.
maybe it is because its voting day or maybe because women that are old and bitter love their cars. or maybe its just really the car it self. but road rage has been had at 8:30 this morning already. kind of makes me feel alive. i didnt really even do anything wrong. i just saw that there were no cars coming and decided to half ass my stop and then turn and go in to the bike lane. i didnt cut her off at all. she bitches at the dude biking. then i hear him bitch at her, it made me smile. then she came up next to me and was cussing but she didnt have her window down. fortunately it was warmer out today so i wasnt wearing my lobster gloves. so i started bluntly saying FUCK YOU, with my middle finger up. then she flicked me off and i just kept going then she got a little scared and turned quickly as she saw me coming up closer to her. hahaha
creating yourself.

race in mke. woke up thought that it was raining. but was surprised by the nice weather. got all ready followed d-rukus to the race. kirsten came with me, and it was her first race she has been to. she took some nice pics. got there about nine oclock pre road the course with zack and luke. pretty rad course. lots of barriers one pretty steep but short hill to run up with a nice log at the bottom to ensure that. put on the cream. registered. got dressed in shorts and wool jersey. i thought it was going to be a lot warmer so i didnt bring warm weather clothing. nice one. anyways cat fours went john fucked up his chain. lyle looked good as well as d rukus. he had some issues with running into someone that stopped in the middle to fuck with something. then i road around a bit. to warm up. then my turn. go i was in about the first three and actually for the first time kept the momentum going. there were a lot of turns and flat areas. my favorite spot was in the woods the single track and muddy stuff. (if you can call that single track i guess) kept going. felt as i was bonking and wanted to just say hell with it, then i saw only one lap left... okay screw it i am doing well. kept on hammering. excited because i nailed my mounts and dismounts. i actually was jumping on like all the boys do, real proud! thanks to kirsten for coming, luke for the handout of liquids, and all the people cheering for me! it really gets me going!
to a super rad day... oh i forgot to say, i got 5th place, with some confusion that luke and kirsten thought 4th. ahh whatcha gonna do.
cheers to a beautiful day full of organic food, bikes, bike love, and sunshine.
love it.
triathlon poo.
an athletic contest consisting of three different events, typically swimming, cycling, and long-distance running. we have far too much of this shit at our store. at the good ol machinery row store we are moving everything around. meaning me. ha. or i have done quite a bit of it. anyways. its been fun cause now i want to get way more bike stuff which sucks. money wise at least. getting a new rear rack for the 5twenty. and some other shat. i helped this morning with the parking of cars for the football game. left other work early to do art work. which i am slacking on doing. BALLS. hoping mark did well or is currently doing well at iceman. i love how i get really into one bike then it goes over to another. i think i just like bike projects. fun fun fun! i saw three guys come in today with thrashed mountain bikes full of mud. it made me happy and now i wish that the voodoo frame was ready for my loving. but it isnt in yet. AHHH greeeeen machine -really fitting for me-naturally. need to purchase a few king headsets, thomson seat post, need new spokes for my touring bike wheels. i cannot wait for something i just bought because it is going to be absolutely beautiful. bike stuff is the best stuff.
enough rambling about bikes.
(never enough)
race tomorrow-feeling rather shitty-so we shall see how things go... i hope alright at least. i am excited for a burn. kir kir may come with me so that would be a lot of fun!
if you will be there see you tomorrow.
then off to minneap with marko to stay at my rents and then race- can it get any better?
enough rambling about bikes.
(never enough)
race tomorrow-feeling rather shitty-so we shall see how things go... i hope alright at least. i am excited for a burn. kir kir may come with me so that would be a lot of fun!
if you will be there see you tomorrow.
then off to minneap with marko to stay at my rents and then race- can it get any better?
screw the liver.
today i got my 520 put back together, due to lending out the tubes in my tire to let a diana have them so we could go riding. went all over the place. i am actually happy that my car is kind of never leaving the area-cause its such a hassle-. went to grocery store. bank. all that fun stuff. suited up in my amfib gear. wool this wool that. crazy looks as i didnt bother to take off my helmet while running in because i was so comfy in it. felt good to be on that steel machine again. i really love that bike. cant wait. utilitarian is in my near focus of this year. oh to make it without my car! class. alright. went over to D&Ds house for homemade meal. so tasty. had homemade lasagna, bread with brie cheese ♥, salad, gladiator cycles wine on my part- of course, and to top it off homemade pumpkin pie with homemade whip cream. hott damn. tonight was fantastic. now i am home. full and tired as ever from biking and eating.
i bought tazo organic cat food cause he is a stud. period.
where does your soul preside on your body. if your arm got cut off would you still be you. what about your legs if you lost your legs would you still be you?
robots love too.
i bought tazo organic cat food cause he is a stud. period.
where does your soul preside on your body. if your arm got cut off would you still be you. what about your legs if you lost your legs would you still be you?
robots love too.
sandpaper silk and chainsaw.

sometimes you get those little fires burning inside you and you want to just kick someone in the face. politics are in the near future and i hope that you all get out there and vote. i am hoping for no more dissapointments like the 2004 election. been kicking my butt this week with working out. its been good though. i love the feeling when you try to get up but fall down due to your legs just not working right. just bought something new that i am really excited about. utilitarian comes to mind. but i dont know if i am going to give it as a gift or for myself. i just dont know yet. badger prairie tomorrow, or running all around town for groceries and tazos food.bank.and such. race this weekend in mke. then minneapolis then next weekend for a cross race there. going with marko. gnarly. missed motab cause.yes.i was too cold. i know. pussy. if there are any bitches like on jesses blog that want to comment on my page i am ready for a little fight. bring it you turd.
i just get politically excited and i made a piece full of clashing points and uncomfortable subject matter. i love getting a kick outta people.
these are the things that make us live a little longer and fuller.
love your bike. thrash yourself. fight.
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