today was a better day then yesterday. (even though i made killer lasagna yesterday) but i am feeling sicker. at work there was some chemical sprayed awhile ago and ever since my lungs have been full of lovely shat. now it seems to be heading into a head cold. so i am sucking the emergenc down in a BKB bottle. just like when i was a young lass? anyway made stretchers for my canvas- super stoked about this painting... took awhile. trying to figure out school and just how much i have left. less the better. got my swobo tshirt and paul rack in the mail, have yet to attach but after this week i shall have enough time for that. waiting for the voodoo to be ready to be loved by this lady. green=goddess. hope that i feel up to par for this weekend, but other things are also a factor- besides my health. turkey day is a coming. anchors away. meghan
image by the infamous sailorjerry.com love it, hate it.
have you tried the new emergen c flavor? (immune defense- Ruby Lemon Honey) fuck dude, it will blow you away
oo that sounds good!
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