sometimes you get those little fires burning inside you and you want to just kick someone in the face. politics are in the near future and i hope that you all get out there and vote. i am hoping for no more dissapointments like the 2004 election. been kicking my butt this week with working out. its been good though. i love the feeling when you try to get up but fall down due to your legs just not working right. just bought something new that i am really excited about. utilitarian comes to mind. but i dont know if i am going to give it as a gift or for myself. i just dont know yet. badger prairie tomorrow, or running all around town for groceries and tazos food.bank.and such. race this weekend in mke. then minneapolis then next weekend for a cross race there. going with marko. gnarly. missed motab cause.yes.i was too cold. i know. pussy. if there are any bitches like on jesses blog that want to comment on my page i am ready for a little fight. bring it you turd.
i just get politically excited and i made a piece full of clashing points and uncomfortable subject matter. i love getting a kick outta people.
these are the things that make us live a little longer and fuller.
love your bike. thrash yourself. fight.
yeh i have some trash to talk. links to everyones page but james flickr.
DAMNIT I WILL ADD!!!!! damnit!
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