a thought.
what i want more then anything right now is to lay in a field of flowers in the middle of nowhere and just breathe.
and it was glorious.

i biked to work yesterday morning before the snow fall. i was goin pretty fucking slow and trying to crank hard realizing i need to put more saddle time in. I did notice however that my saddle definitely need to go up at least an inch. but i didnt feel like halling out my tool and altering it. work. during lets say the last two hours of work there came white in a fucking scream! when i got outside there was at least two inches probably more like three. i had my saddle where it needed to be, i had everything where it mainly felt right. i wasnt wearing my biking shoes which made for a slippery ride. but HOLY FUCK. all i could think to myself (with a huge smile on my face) was this is why these guys and gals love these bikes. I wsas cutting through the snow going fast and loving it, i was underdress and i didnt even notice it.
today this morning biking home was another story, my bike still as rad as can be, but the conditions sucked horribly. i was biking on the roads then tried to give the bike path a go. no luck too much snow and not plowed at all and not enough traffic. so then i ended up riding the whole way home on the roads with cars slipping all over the place. interesting.. i thought i would get a "you're fucking crazy" or a finger and honk, but no. ...
finally got home took longer obviously but my dambala is fucking killer in every sene and every-way.
be safe biking in this weather it throws you all over the place. wear your helmet!
and it all pours out.
lately i have been really excited about my art classes staying focused and even ahead of schedule. which is to say perfection. I started another painting because i was loosing my passion for the huge buddha. I needed to take a break from it. So i did i even didnt go to painting on monday. turned out to be one of the best things for me in that class at least. i went to class and sat there, staring at my painting for a good while, walking about looking at work in the gallery. just thinking out-loud to others and to myself. I cant finish my second painting for critique on monday till this weekend. youll see pics i am sure and understand why. So i sat. kirsten stopped by to be my shoulder to pour on. all my ideas. i even went to the art supply store to buy a new canvas cause all these ideas are flowing. 36x36. (i have decided my biggest challenge this semester in painting is going to be solving the area of the canvas more sucesful.-that is why i bought a suare, i have a hard time with these) anyways. talking to kirsten helped, then she left. i wrote all my thoughts and painting ideas in a note book. Finally i decided to attack buddha once again and at least finish his head. -three feet about. and i did and i decided to take it else where and i think now minus having a silhouette i know exactly what i am doing.
the best part about this all is that i am actually creating stuff that i am happy with even proud of. To do that for me is a challenge. i am someone and probably the hardest critic on my own work. it took until last semester to make something that i love. and i have it hanging infront of my face to prove the point that just keep moving through. most people think art is an easy way out. but most dont understand that you pour your entire self into your work. that it has every ounce of your emotion in it and really just wouldnt exist with out that factor.
it is wonderful to finally conquer that bastard that i now love. we'll see what next week brings.
the best part about this all is that i am actually creating stuff that i am happy with even proud of. To do that for me is a challenge. i am someone and probably the hardest critic on my own work. it took until last semester to make something that i love. and i have it hanging infront of my face to prove the point that just keep moving through. most people think art is an easy way out. but most dont understand that you pour your entire self into your work. that it has every ounce of your emotion in it and really just wouldnt exist with out that factor.
it is wonderful to finally conquer that bastard that i now love. we'll see what next week brings.
kid a

The weather is getting warmer, pedestrians still stupid. Crank set on thanks to markos bb and rachaels crankset. Chain on. Just need to get my pink saddle and pedals. Then cut down a little more of the fork. AND she is good to go.
Wine filled out bellies last night, so good. Red then white, homemade lasagna rosemary baggette. damn. now i am sitting doing damn physics homework and reading about andy warhol, that part is good, warhol. my mind continues to wander about BKB kits, WORS races and the sun shinning on my face.
pink nipples...
so word says that pink is going outta style. does that make me want to go against it and follow the crew of color admirers, hell no. i do what i like and not because its trendy or not because i like it. period. pink nipples. when people hear this most of the time their mind leads to a dirty place and or a curious one. for me, it is having a little extra flare on my bike, pink nipples instead of silver, given. today at the shop i ws greeted with people seeming to crawl out of the woodwork. nonetheless way more traffic. bought a chain and a chain tool, i love building up my tool supply. only a few steps away from riding. stoked. rear wheel is outta round, which i didnt have anytime to work on today, sucks. but pink is in full throttle with all its untrendy glory.
its the little things that make such a beatiful difference.
40ยบ is coming.
its the little things that make such a beatiful difference.
40ยบ is coming.
if dreams were sometimes real.
i had an amazing dream. About mtbing. Where I was first female the course looked something like the fat tire40 course. It was a fucking amazing feeling, it made me want to hop on the bike right now right this minute, only to wake up to a sore throat and a stuffy nose, FUCK.
off to yoga.
off to yoga.
no pedestrians.
i would like all the bikers to collectively TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS.
What this would be is all the mother fucking bike lanes. ESPECIALLY university avenue where all the dumb pedestrians that I swear at daily have seemes to forget to remove head from gluteus maximus and not walk in the bike lane. My hand has now pointed to the NO PEDESTRIAN sign more then a hundred times. ODD. no one gets it. I want to plaster signs. Ideas growing.
What this would be is all the mother fucking bike lanes. ESPECIALLY university avenue where all the dumb pedestrians that I swear at daily have seemes to forget to remove head from gluteus maximus and not walk in the bike lane. My hand has now pointed to the NO PEDESTRIAN sign more then a hundred times. ODD. no one gets it. I want to plaster signs. Ideas growing.
So in this day and age people have to over compensate for things we would rather ignore. People steal and think nothing about how shitty it would be if in the other persons place. My roommates i pod was just stolen. I hope to you dumb little fuck--have something shatty also happens to you.
In the bike world things seem to be picking up, selling 2 bikes made me super elated today. Even the amount of people that came in today was astounding compared to more recent days. I had people to talk to about almost every field we carry, fenders, racks, paniers, gloves, tubes. AND while all of this busy-ness was happening I even got to take a video of a rabbit being beheaded, and a dance session from the tall char char, some pointers commin in, i made a business card holder out of bike parts-super rad-, was gifted with a buddha soap-oooo-, and had an energy that I was missing a bit at work.
To karma.
videos up soon!
In the bike world things seem to be picking up, selling 2 bikes made me super elated today. Even the amount of people that came in today was astounding compared to more recent days. I had people to talk to about almost every field we carry, fenders, racks, paniers, gloves, tubes. AND while all of this busy-ness was happening I even got to take a video of a rabbit being beheaded, and a dance session from the tall char char, some pointers commin in, i made a business card holder out of bike parts-super rad-, was gifted with a buddha soap-oooo-, and had an energy that I was missing a bit at work.
To karma.
videos up soon!
BKB monay
JUSt a friendly reminder... BKB checks are due soon, the 12th to be exact.
If you need the link, go to the right side of my page BKB.
Danke. Cant Wait to get these lovely kits.
If you need the link, go to the right side of my page BKB.
Danke. Cant Wait to get these lovely kits.
snows a falling
biking was super fun today, throwing you all over the place and sprinting to and fro from yoga class to discussion. Then almost falling on my ass due to wearing my birks.
If your dressed right, biking is fun at anytime, any place.
If your dressed right, biking is fun at anytime, any place.
clean house clean mind.
shits been crazy in the family.
mom surgery, dad meeting-seattle-minneapolis-caregiver, bros birthday, dads birthday, sacha vet. damn that is all with in four days. talk about multi tasking shit. soon have a rad hooked up crankset from the lovely rachael, need chain, right. sadly due to bills the pink saddle will still have to wait along with the pedals. BUT bkb is all in order and at least i have the money for that biatch.
lets see what this week brings...
lets see what this week brings...
art shows, polka dot hats, gold, sailor dresses, two birthdays, one surgery, work, dreaming, food, life, sun, frigid weather temps, yoga, physics, conventions, bikes, bikes biking, bikes, pink, green, black, red, hats, scarves, love, hate, bliss, death, nerves, power, strength, stability, excitment, ebay, paints, more paints,more paints, giant buddha, etching, acid, fishermanyogapants, being poor, priceless, yoshitomo nara, david salle, Jessica Stockholder, tattoos, need tattoo, hair, cold, kiss and sooo much more.
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