i biked to work yesterday morning before the snow fall. i was goin pretty fucking slow and trying to crank hard realizing i need to put more saddle time in. I did notice however that my saddle definitely need to go up at least an inch. but i didnt feel like halling out my tool and altering it. work. during lets say the last two hours of work there came white in a fucking scream! when i got outside there was at least two inches probably more like three. i had my saddle where it needed to be, i had everything where it mainly felt right. i wasnt wearing my biking shoes which made for a slippery ride. but HOLY FUCK. all i could think to myself (with a huge smile on my face) was this is why these guys and gals love these bikes. I wsas cutting through the snow going fast and loving it, i was underdress and i didnt even notice it.
today this morning biking home was another story, my bike still as rad as can be, but the conditions sucked horribly. i was biking on the roads then tried to give the bike path a go. no luck too much snow and not plowed at all and not enough traffic. so then i ended up riding the whole way home on the roads with cars slipping all over the place. interesting.. i thought i would get a "you're fucking crazy" or a finger and honk, but no. ...
finally got home took longer obviously but my dambala is fucking killer in every sene and every-way.
be safe biking in this weather it throws you all over the place. wear your helmet!
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