
four fingered fisherman.

stoked for the arrival of some swobo goods. (gods) two+ weeks of school left. hoping to get to the kettles this week on thursday. then going to cabin with mark to visit rents and celebrate my birthday with some grilling of amazing food. Then racing the next day. not too sure if i will be racing but if not i will be supporting along with my rents. then more art art art art art art art!


Sarah Lukas said...

HAPPY BIIIRTHHHDDAYYY today! Enjoy grilling.

Unknown said...

Happy Bday... and you are soo racing on Sunday! if i can get my slow ass out there you must.

Arleigh Jenkins said...

happy birthday!!! according to myspace it's your birthday!

BlissontwoWheels said...

thank you ladies. yes it is my birthday today. and we shall see about this weekend. ahhhh.