
no pedestrians.

i would like all the bikers to collectively TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS.
What this would be is all the mother fucking bike lanes. ESPECIALLY university avenue where all the dumb pedestrians that I swear at daily have seemes to forget to remove head from gluteus maximus and not walk in the bike lane. My hand has now pointed to the NO PEDESTRIAN sign more then a hundred times. ODD. no one gets it. I want to plaster signs. Ideas growing.


Unknown said...

I've been having a ball with my recently purchased tazer gun. I fabricated a h-bar mount just for instances you describe. At first it was a bit disturbing that I could be so cruel but once I saw that first ped drop and immediately begin to flail like a fish out of water it made my day.


BlissontwoWheels said...

that makes me smile!