Been here since the 18th of december. The weather with no surprise has been almost always rainy. some threat of having snow which i heard is something that shuts the whole place down. Surprising coming from the midwest. ha.
Been busy and bored for my time here. but nonetheless it has been a nice vacation. Yesterday I visited a sweet alpaca farm where i got to play with two huge herd dogs that kept jumping on me and could take me down with out any effort. The the cat that jumped on the barn post to get some of the famous cat petting from me. i was about to put it in my bag since i miss my two cats at home. The trip is ending tomorrow morning. I will miss it here however i have been ready to come home. With one semester down this academic year that means one more to school freedom at least for a while. WHICH will fucking be glorious. I got super good grades and I was happily surprised since i thought i was going to fail two classes and i ended up getting a c and bc along with three A's and a B. FUCK YEAH.
Ready to start a new job and have direct deposit payment methods. No more fucking getting a check handed to me by a creepy old man!
anyways. The holiday went quickly, as always happen i will get some pictures up of the alpacas and dogs and cat. they were the nicest animals i have ever encountered.
washington is magical there isnt really a way to describe it. the trees have something about them and through out the whole place there is something really beautiful, maybe its the outdoorsy-ness, or the nice people or the nature itself(which i think it must be) even though it would be amazing to live here it would be so expensive and that is not the best thing.
Hope you all had a nice holiday, with whatever you celebrate and hope you have a lovely 08'
almost clear.

Wow. where the time has gone no one knows. The second part of the holidays is reering its head. I think that i am nowhere near ready for this. The University of Madison Wisconsin loves to end the semester as close to the celebrating as they possibly can. Tomorrow i will be done with exams and such and i am hoping for passing grades tomorrow. Going out with a bang doesnt always happen.
Words cant even begin to explain how excited i will be to have this semester under my belt. Then off to Washington, which is going to be lovely! A nice weeks break will be just what i need. the feeling of fatigue may, just may, leave my presence for a little while at least.
Almost there, the light is near, as mark is off in Kansas at the moment, it has given time to not be distracted which was probably a good thing even though I am ready for the season to be over. We are thinking of picking up nordic sking to get out ass beating in that way, which due to our large amount of snow seems only fitting. Creativity will flow on its own will this break which is always nice.
Needing a job is becoming more apparent as presents are almost out of thought with the lack of money I have. Soon, soon.
A euphoric smile will most likely be on my face tomorrow night at around 10 when I get done with my finals. Then a bottle of vino will be in my belly then off on a plane. Somewhere in there I will be doing 'christmas' with my marker. Then packing, dont really know how it will all work out with mark getting home late tonight and probably passing out till a good hour in the afternoon.
Wish me luck on my exams I NEED IT!
have a wonderful holiday with whatever you celebrate! If you know cool bike shops in Washington lemme know! I am going to be perusing.
The next few post will have pictures that are starting to influence my art work.

I have been working on this project around three-four weeks.
ITs theme is eco-friendly.
The wood is a local ash.
I tried to utilize it as best i could, so i still have a bit let over. I altered the dimensions of the design a bit.
There will also be a bamboo planter in the center hole.
I used a linseed oil to protect the wood and as the finisher. It says on the container, safe for the environment.
I now just want to bring it home!
completion feels beautiful.
tis the season

to be busy. With two and a half more weeks of this semester left things are getting crazy! But i can be more happy, to see it come to an end. Thus meaning only one more semester if all things work out to plan. Holidays went quickly with another rearing its head. the absence of snow is just about amazing for this time of year. With out having a job coming up with christmas gifts this year is going to be extra thoughtful and creative! Coffee has been flowing through my body as a second source for vitality than blood. selling some stuff on ebay to help with living costs. we don't really need all that we have, most is frivolous anyways.
In art at the moment i am doing two things i passionately love, one being woodworking. I dont know how long its been since i have worked with my hands in art, around 2-3. and furniture has always been my passion for years. the other being printing. moving on to advance classes for both trades will further my work and experiences.
things left, this is going to sound really fun to those of you lucky enough to be out of school already.
three papers.
three exams
10 prints
completion of one table.
Oh Sun Prairie.

Wow I cant not do it. Double negative, i know annoying but in all sensarity I just drink too much there. Yearly. Maybe its the crowd maybe its the bikes maybe its the cow bells. Its all, all of it. Shaw was there. A huge fun crew. Beers were had, thanks to shaw, andrew and someone handed me one later that i cannot recollect at all, my bad. Thanks the Zach for the sailor jerry and ginger ale. Holy shit, i have proven that run and meghan are not the best of friends. Thanks to Dan and Jen the two fabulous hosts for the shot, if my life was at stake i would say it was tequilia but literally after that moment everything became hazy. These photos up above i had no idea i took them till this morning! crazy. Thanks to mark for dealing with my drunk ass. For all the friends that i normally dont see now due to not working at the row anymore. And to bikes most of all to have a crazy beautiful crew that loves it more then they sometimes know.
D pow and Jen for supplying some food that went into my belly, i remember refried beans and chips and mark for making me eat a cup cake. Holy shit.
how beautiful it is.
oh here ye here ye.
i love when you look at what you say your passions are and then realize how long its actually been since you have enjoyed them. Tonight is my lovely geography exam, i find all the information extremely informative and interesting however my mind does not like exams- especially multiple choice. So we shall see how that goes. Tonight will bring a photo session to dive into a new project for screen printing. I cannot believe how my semester jut refuses to let up, even for one breath. I will be able to go to my first cross race of this season, it will be weird, i am sure i will be all sad that i am not racing this year. What can you do? Over all i am just trying to stay alive. I got to do some yoga this morning and it was lovely. I just need to keep up on my stuff.
AOMIII is coming over tonight to pick up a painting we have of his for a show, dont know the specifics yet but once i do i will announce, its always good to show support and why not let your eyes have some aesthetic colorful dancing strokes in front of them. Arts shit is to say the least amazing.
To life and its obstacles and art.
AOMIII is coming over tonight to pick up a painting we have of his for a show, dont know the specifics yet but once i do i will announce, its always good to show support and why not let your eyes have some aesthetic colorful dancing strokes in front of them. Arts shit is to say the least amazing.
To life and its obstacles and art.
deep conversations.
last night headed to the WORS banquet where wine beer and laughs were had. Yoga positions came up as i look for a new job. shwag autographs from the famous boys were signed. raccoon hunt up a tree also occurred as our grand exit from the century world building. a nice quick car ride of 'would you rather' and 'deep conversations' happened.
It all started when we were driving in the car of the lovely brian matter. jesse shotgun amanda and i on either side of marko- in the middle. talk of bikes, bike love, nose hairs, and oddly ball sacks. -dont ask- arrived headed right to the bar for nicely and full fresh cup of pinot noir. and the boys went for the beer. sat realized we needed some food. sat. Landon and his lady came over to talk, as small boys came to get the studs autographs. soon the wine kept filling and lowering. We sat and talked about work and not work. bike and not bikes. yoga came up because amanda and i love it two seconds later jesse amanda and i all have our legs over our head in a one legged pretzel contraption. talk about circus freaks! FUCK YEAH. I one day will be a blissful yoga teacher to help and draw passion into peoples lives. that is where all the craziness started at night. marko came with 50 big dollas and came home with a few dollar bills. as the guys ran up to get their goodies for a quick foto op. then off for home. As we jump in the car we notice a cuddly friendly coon. Instead of just take a picture of it-which they did- they also ran after it. the car ride soon began with -would you rather- and -deep conversations- the trip was fast and i slowly am remembering the things that occurred. sometimes you need a night to let go with some of the best people to do it.
matter marko jesse and amanda.
To WORS awards.
It all started when we were driving in the car of the lovely brian matter. jesse shotgun amanda and i on either side of marko- in the middle. talk of bikes, bike love, nose hairs, and oddly ball sacks. -dont ask- arrived headed right to the bar for nicely and full fresh cup of pinot noir. and the boys went for the beer. sat realized we needed some food. sat. Landon and his lady came over to talk, as small boys came to get the studs autographs. soon the wine kept filling and lowering. We sat and talked about work and not work. bike and not bikes. yoga came up because amanda and i love it two seconds later jesse amanda and i all have our legs over our head in a one legged pretzel contraption. talk about circus freaks! FUCK YEAH. I one day will be a blissful yoga teacher to help and draw passion into peoples lives. that is where all the craziness started at night. marko came with 50 big dollas and came home with a few dollar bills. as the guys ran up to get their goodies for a quick foto op. then off for home. As we jump in the car we notice a cuddly friendly coon. Instead of just take a picture of it-which they did- they also ran after it. the car ride soon began with -would you rather- and -deep conversations- the trip was fast and i slowly am remembering the things that occurred. sometimes you need a night to let go with some of the best people to do it.
matter marko jesse and amanda.
To WORS awards.
my blogs never make much sense.
the things you learn are sometimes in the moment hard, but for the long run you learn the most from. started as a great morning, where fresh fruits and veggies were colorful and vibrant. tea for two talks of wedding plans and life. off to work. HA. started good. then fell into hell. no need to discuss further. I think my towels were stolen from the laundry machines in the basement.
Fuck this, a new life is starting. Tonight shall be a blast, the WORS banquet where i hope to have some beers and lay back and enjoy my freedom. For the hunt is next.
Fuck this, a new life is starting. Tonight shall be a blast, the WORS banquet where i hope to have some beers and lay back and enjoy my freedom. For the hunt is next.
time for change.

just as the season is rearing its beautiful head, there is change in the air. The crisp blue skies, the swirling crunchy colorful leaves on the ground. The flux in weather. Cyclocross season coming, not going to be a part of this year due to a shortage of money surplus. Selling some bikes selling stuff I dont use. Feels good to get ride of some things. Warm tea sees to be craved more and more. Hot chai teas with soy milk. Red wines warm meals. School is taking control of my time but i am taking control of school. Trying to stay on top with the last punch if it were a never ending boxing match. An Atumn cold has reared its way into my body but Echinacea pills trickle down my throat with healing power. Markos tattoo continues to be delayed, which is unfortunate. the treadmill keeps my feet busy.
I am waiting for the day to be able to lay in the crunch leaves.

cherry blossoms. sailor Jerry pin up head view. Asian furniture and dishware. friends. staying on top of things. mullets. johnny cash. lali puna. dinglespeeds. stickers (with obscene messages). speaking out loud. 17 days. love. family. cats. scissors. colors. inks. words. motivation. coffee. tea. running. my treadmill. mark/aka mullet king. and sleep. wood, bamboo and hickory are my favorites at the moment. i also like walnut.
and so it goes.
Appointment set for the 30th. no one knows. school is in full throttle, which is leading me to too much coffee consumption, more stress. ITs bringing my riding down to strictly commuting. Been running on our treadmill a bit lately which has been nice due to our on off weather patterns. Money running low, as it always tends to. motivation...
to graduate.
to graduate.
i know the news of a black heart and a black rainbow, however the words should only be spoken from the man himself, it only seems right. His venture, his passion, his wheel. He is stuck in London right now and all i want is for him to be home. I also know that is all he wants.
To getting marko home, cheers. he'll update you tomorrow night.
To getting marko home, cheers. he'll update you tomorrow night.
change in progress. this past weekend came another WORS series, the last of the marathons. where the boys tended to their normal glitter. 1 jesse, 2 matter, 3 markO. looked like a hellish race that i was happy not to take a bite at.
a lot coming up. my anual family fest. i am so excited to dance with mother nature this whole weekend. marko will as many know be twirling on his pedals in a far away place called scotland. super excited for him and a little sad i couldnt experience it with him, but money is money and i have a lack of it.
the bike store has really winded down which is to say nice because i am physically and mentally exhausted from our sale and my busy summer.
it was nice to see marcia and the sharps and be with amanda as we almost puked or peed with nervous energy for the boys.
congrats to all on the race and wish mark safe travels and happy healing on his hand.
a lot coming up. my anual family fest. i am so excited to dance with mother nature this whole weekend. marko will as many know be twirling on his pedals in a far away place called scotland. super excited for him and a little sad i couldnt experience it with him, but money is money and i have a lack of it.
the bike store has really winded down which is to say nice because i am physically and mentally exhausted from our sale and my busy summer.
it was nice to see marcia and the sharps and be with amanda as we almost puked or peed with nervous energy for the boys.
congrats to all on the race and wish mark safe travels and happy healing on his hand.
movin on up
so with finally getting the Internet hooked up and missing a WORS race i feel a bit behind. i fell in love with a new bike, and i damn sure hope that the pretty basket comes with it. hair changes are to be made soon, actually rather excited. needing art in my system almost a necessary function. mark and i moving to a new location gnarly in the good sense. location beautiful. i cannot wait to have fall colors surrounding us. its been a busy week. bike shop sale came to an end, which was a lovely thing. needing something new- a must. marker(0) going to Scotland in a week and everyone that has supported him thus far is a lovely person, and who will still be before the race is more adrenaline added to his fire.
thats really all i have for now or all i want to write. cheers my dears.
thats really all i have for now or all i want to write. cheers my dears.
esquela es finito.
school is over. relief is had. we are coming up on moving soon. moving as mark and i have been talking about has been rearing its ugly head so much lately. i don't even want to count the times i have moved in the past 6 years. its disgusting really. were stoked about this place though. nice kitchen, which i cannot wait for, be ready for the dinner invites. the new lalonde lovers -jesse and amanda- have been more then nice to store our bikes and some other goodies while handing out the wine glasses and coffee pumpers. big super sale is on at work which means long hours and many barterers. everyone knows those are my favorite. as i am sure most have read jesse and marko took the top two spots at the last wors race leaving their lovers a little teary eyed. matter did a great job coming in third with ronsta killin it in 4th. headed over to fandangos house for a little shenanigan. super fun, more brats beers and burgers.

photo stolen from matter
pretty much sums it up. i was the lucky one to be able to enjoy a night lap. i actually loved it. i bonked pretty hard at the second to last part of the single track, where matter passed me and i looked and he was gone. everyone that was out there biking were so nice! i loved every part of it.Dan, Jen, and Leah ripped it up. Jen was so nice to come and grab my bike after my first lap when i thought i was going to pass out! i enjoyed the trek tent and the good and off times. the guys pulled off 24 laps in 24 hours thats impressive, something that has not been done before. everyone kept their humor. it wouldnt have been the same without all the people, shaw, peck, crazy carl, matter, doug, jesse, amanda, anne, duece and of course chuckles- marko, Dan, Jen, and Leah. All the others that were there to contribute to the laughter and crazy times!!
congrats to doug and anne on their anniversary, now thats the kind of girl every biking guy wants to marry!
ah its all in the family.
so lots have happened since last friday. mark gained a sister in law. i gained a new family member karin, james' lover. i caught a bouquet. i had four cosmopolitans, danced and became a pro water girl at the wors race. which also smacked me with a wicked burn from the hot hot sun. i started a reason to communicate course, philosophy, where they decided an exam every week and 7 books to read with in 4 weeks. sounds fun huh. work making its way back into my priorities. natedogg stayed at our house and we all consumed too much vino. we are officially winos. exhausted is the word that creeps into my mind more then not. hopefully i will be getting a picture up of the fun events.
24-9 coming up on a team for the twelve hr.
i dont know what i would do if i had time off to listen to life. i would probably have a smile that couldnt fade, no matter what.
24-9 coming up on a team for the twelve hr.
i dont know what i would do if i had time off to listen to life. i would probably have a smile that couldnt fade, no matter what.
times to come.

m. ward, is the music of choice. the weather has backed down a bit. the cool breeze at night is a feeling i think we all couldnt wait for. times to come are dreams only at this moment. the wind feels as if it is a fall day or what the beginning feels like. fall is a time of year that i cannot get enough of and couldnt be happier then on my bike with a nice wool jersey on. But to not get too far away from reality celebrations are soon to be had, a lovers birthday, a wedding and a race.
i cannot wait.
weary of the bkb.
tried my hand at a wors race. due to my current state of the so called lack there of money, he decided to pay for me. I thought shit, can i seriously not take him up on this. so mark and i headed to eau claire the next morning bright and early. nerves were actually subsided while excitment took over. my two goals for the day was to not die and not to become paralized. easy right. yeah, so i thought too. I had a good group of fans.. luke, nicole, sketchy, rukus, jesse, mark and so one. it was nice they were planted all over the course. doing well in the first part of the pack till the single threw me every which way. my first big fall that at least comes to mind was when going on a steep down hill in the single track i flew over my bike, bike got wedged into two trees and i nailed the third one. response of viewer, "holy FUCK" "are you alright" my response while trying to unwedge my bike... *UCK". ahh my mom says its un lady like. I said i was pissed. lady like goes right out the door with that factor. i ended in the mist tent was soon handed a nice cold spotted cow. and so was my day. I then became a cheering fan for the lalonde bros and luke(on a cross bike nonetheless) dave corey and derek. Now the boys at the shop cant give me shit. my body proved i tried my damned hardest, my bike shows the love that it was given while heeved every which way. not enough food and too many beers. It was nice seeing the lalonde parents once again. and soon enough with the wedding coming up, which i havent gotten off for yet, but i think i may be "sick" those days. hmmm.
bachlor party headed way last night and mark is feeling the burn this morning. i guess that is what you get when you weigh 136 and have that many shots and beer. cheers to you jesse on your soon celebration.
bachlor party headed way last night and mark is feeling the burn this morning. i guess that is what you get when you weigh 136 and have that many shots and beer. cheers to you jesse on your soon celebration.
My mac recently crashed, not the happiest camper about that fact. been to the doctor twice now. we shall see is limes disease is swimming in my blood streem. im staying optimisitc. marko has been moving his stuff in the last couple of days. the cats dont know what is going on. sold my bridgestone track bike. sad to see her go. sold nitto jaguar stem and seat post. road bike still 1/3 the way there. missing groupo. sp and saddle. thats it really but i have a feeling its going to take awhile.
some killer biking this past weekend with jesse, marko and rachael at the single speed state champs in WI.
bike kill. bike love.
some killer biking this past weekend with jesse, marko and rachael at the single speed state champs in WI.
bike kill. bike love.
started summer classes yesterday. going to be a huge cleaning day. need to get a good exercise in also, hopefully. yoga and bike ride tomorrow. longer one. once i sell my bike i am going to get a burley nomad, with the rack. gonna be rad. marko just got hooked up with a bob. lucky son of a. haha. where did the first part of summer go? still wanting to get a kayak we shall see.

pedal rotation in full throttle today. total of seven hours + wine tasting making it a grand total of 8 hours. damn. you should see the tan lines. RIDICULOUS. got lost a number of times. (look at the welcome to sign...opps) other then that really enjoyed myself. took the 520 out. nice and hilly. brought three bottles of wine home to seal the deal. exhausted. but smiling. legs are getting stronger as i dont struggle on the hills much.
the pictures kind of sum up my day, sometimes words just arent needed. you know the feeling.

i think i will be making this trip a regualr time! but maybe not getting lost in there multiple times.
to the vino.
biking to the vineyard. cant think of much more that i want to do in one day. bike, taste wine, buy wine. bike. sunshine. touring bike. arkel panniers. roses maybe, flowers. so excited!
where the bike love is.
been trying to ride more & more. main goal for the summer is to get in really good shape. mtbing racing is for fun if good results come a plus. got the bkb kits early due to family hook up. sexy as hell. i got a jacket which is going to keep me real toasty in the winter. the bibs are fucking sweet. nice chamois! full sip long and short jerseys. vest is sick. i dont think i could be happier, unless i bought more. ha. $$. gonna meet some people for a nice long steady ride. spinning. get the endurance up. i havent used my CAR in about three or four weeks now. it feels great. i am thinking about selling it. i dont need that. and then getting a burly nomad and a co motion. ha. and saving money. we'll see if that happens. i hope so.
thanks to jesse for organizing the kits so quickly since i have been ready since last year! ha.
i love this thing called biking!!
off to do some yoga poses so my back doesnt tighten up again.
thanks to jesse for organizing the kits so quickly since i have been ready since last year! ha.
i love this thing called biking!!
off to do some yoga poses so my back doesnt tighten up again.
even if you dont.

went for a long hilly ride yesterday. 9-3. about six hours and 80 miles. got out near blue mounds and black earth and did a little loop in iowa county. since i am in an indeed s-l-o-w process of building up my steel roadie. my friend was nice enough to offer titanium over my converted cross aluminum bike. only unfortunate thing was, 1- new saddle, 2- saddle was too far back on the rails so i got a wicked hamstring work out. which ended up thrashing my back. making stops every 30 minutes to crack all of my vertebras and pulling out the helpful yoga poses when applicable (last hour &1/2). back still is a bit tight today but my legs feel great. eating like a horse. went for a long walk cause i became bored and new it would be good to loosen my legs a bit today. ran into a friend at a small farmers market. ate some goodies. i tried my hand at making some strawberry jam. we'll see. ha.
have off in the morning tomorrow so hopefully get some ride in. nothing too intense, just good for the legs and getting my bootay in better shape. for me and hopefully the start of the season, for me at least.
annoyances: dog upstairs.
life saver: crocs.
thinking about planning a backpacking trip soon.
the weekends keep getting better.
headed up to wausau yesterday with the focus full of bike love. boys went and pre rode the course. amanda and i walked around and soon became the food of many mosquitos. headed back to the car. boys came back saying it was going to be a tough course. dinner, hotel, mini wine bottles consumed the rest of the night. morning comes nerves flowed through all of us like surges from electricity. amanda and i became and nervous as the guys were. got a good hand off section. were pretty prepared for the weather. not totally though. sundays have become a notorious rain day. boys go. jesses leading the pack strong and quick as amanda hands a water bottle and almost gets taken down by the guys behind jesse. fuck. wheres mark? he passes and normally doesnt take anything the first lap. i still had something in my hand. he passes... points to his knee and i thought he pointed to his water bottles, or there the lack of water bottles. i almost shit my pants. then i catch him on the other side that swoops through. later amanda tells me that he had blood coming down his knee. sweet. marko always tends to thrash his body. i am just happy i didnt see the spill. keeps going he starts catching other guys. both guys are just hammering. jesse comes through on the third laps and looks like he is in pain. marko comes buy takes water. due to the slippery conditions i almost bit hard but caught myself with my knee. nice. last lap comes and bmatter is in the lead hammering and spinning his shit. were looking for jesse. i see the 29er jersey but the pink helmet. MARKO! hell yeah. he is in second. i was so stoked i was shaking. and so nervous too. damn.
marko take second my 53seconds behind matter. beautiful. a fun wet cold day turned out glorious. jesse made it through bonking pretty much the last lap but still pulled out a finish of 7th. not bad considering a single speed rider pulled everyone the first three laps. hell yeah!
both guys killed it. the bkb way. and 29er skillz.
marko take second my 53seconds behind matter. beautiful. a fun wet cold day turned out glorious. jesse made it through bonking pretty much the last lap but still pulled out a finish of 7th. not bad considering a single speed rider pulled everyone the first three laps. hell yeah!
both guys killed it. the bkb way. and 29er skillz.
hoppy beer.

latley i have been dabbing my hand at making new food creations. Also trying new foods. Oyesters, mussels, duck- ah, it was an intersting time. I have vetoed my car now for about two or more weeks. Fuck the gas prices. with as many bikes as i have and gear i should be able to ride really through anything. AND i also love having the parking spot infront of my house with out getting tickets! ha. parents are finaly both in seattle. which is great! Life seems to get really nice just before chaos is about to come once again. im taking summer courses which is needed to ensure my graduation next spring! which is something i cannot wait for.
for now just breathing and hoping to get in more mountain biking. i just dont want to use my car. this is not the best situation. balls.

i halled all of this on my 520. steel is a beautiful thing. i didnt tip over however i should have. pannier on one side, a make shift panier on the other. ( i bought too much shit) a 2.5 gallon on the top of my rack. this rack is only supposed to hold 50. opps. my ortlieb messenger bag chuck full of everything else. including soy sauce and vino. i definitely got some strange looks.

I came home to a cleaning streak. only to find that my mom sent me a gift. a biking sculpture. art+bikes=love.
my house looks amazing. i am happy i biked about an hour and a half at least. goal reached. put my candies on my touring bike. figured out my scewer for my new old man mountain front rack. ARKEL panniers should be arriving soon. mtb'd yesterday and fell in love with biking all over again! oh and swobo does a bum good!
sip of vino for that. cheers.
going to kettles today, for my second mtb ride of the year. hoping now with school done more will be coming! trying a thomson set back to see if that feels better. markos going to show me some of his skillz. super stoked.
pedal and keep going no matter what.
pedal and keep going no matter what.
a migraine is taking over my body. sewing a giant mustache. trying not to puke. school almost done.
IOLA. wors.

I would be the girl talking to marko with the crooked hand. one on the right.
Iola took place. slept at the cabin and endured too much food. marko saw the after math the next morning. drove up to the race late morning. brought my bike in case i was feeling like i wouldnt mind thrashing my body. ill wait for the second race. ran into many different face the crew just to see the lalondes were the boys parents, amanda, and my parents. my parents were in awe for half the race at least. marko crept up from starting about 15. he ended with a strong 6th. super good marko and nate dogg were pulling back and forth, shit what are friends for? ;) jesse pulling through almost the whole race at about 2nd finish third due to some wicked cramping in the legs. four single speeds in the top 7. that is pretty rad.
looking forward to this weekend and the coming week. im going to try to make it to the kettles and hopefully standing rock. i cant wait to have some time to myself. damn!!
good job everyone that raced! kill it. looking forward to the BKB kits.
i fell in love.
i was just at whole foods who has my whole heart. the thing is people tend to rip on them for takin their whole pay check. not the case if you are a smart and eco friendly shopper and lover. if you buy the 365 product which happens to be a whole food line you save a lot of money they make more money off of those products verses a natures way product. dont get me wrong i love organic & natural everything but some times you have to pick and choose. things are going on sale left and right and you just have to open your eyes to see it. I bought three ecover dish washing soaps because they were on sale at a better price then lets say dawn. so i bought three.
something about buying things that arent going to hurt the planet makes me smile really big.
on the docket for dinner.
organic whole wheat pasta, smart chicken, red peppers, white wine, organic olive oil, artichokes, and more goodies. french baguette.
something about buying things that arent going to hurt the planet makes me smile really big.
on the docket for dinner.
organic whole wheat pasta, smart chicken, red peppers, white wine, organic olive oil, artichokes, and more goodies. french baguette.
the crane wife.
my first good birthday in years. how nice. mark started it off early on tueday with some food making icecream having lovin. super good. got a nice swobo goodie from him with a dirt rag flare. i have so much swobo now i dont know what to do with myself.. the yesterday ran home from marks where it took me 26 minutes not too bad for running only for a week previous, and not to mention i suck at running.
came home was playing with sacha then all of a sudden i could barely move my back. shit. i layed on my side thinking shit i am about to black out, pulled out and called my mom. haha. she starts singing happy birthday and im like hold that thought. pretty shatty but didnt damper my day. school. got a good breakfast. hung out with lisa. did the art thang. found out i did indeed get off work which was gnarly.
i stepped in my door to be greeted by a beautiful bouquet of flowers, tulips-roses-mini roses. made me smile more then i was. then my roommate kirsten got home we dressed up and headed out to dinner to the weary traveler. and i gave myself a haircut in the mean time. Then came home my friend lisa stopped by with a cake called "better the sex", wow! that was an amazing dish!!! it really comes close to the name. then marko came over with a bottle of wine and we just relaxed. He was nice enough to help my back get better.
Hott damn. could this be a good birthday?
ANSWER: yes.
more celebrating this weekend.
came home was playing with sacha then all of a sudden i could barely move my back. shit. i layed on my side thinking shit i am about to black out, pulled out and called my mom. haha. she starts singing happy birthday and im like hold that thought. pretty shatty but didnt damper my day. school. got a good breakfast. hung out with lisa. did the art thang. found out i did indeed get off work which was gnarly.
i stepped in my door to be greeted by a beautiful bouquet of flowers, tulips-roses-mini roses. made me smile more then i was. then my roommate kirsten got home we dressed up and headed out to dinner to the weary traveler. and i gave myself a haircut in the mean time. Then came home my friend lisa stopped by with a cake called "better the sex", wow! that was an amazing dish!!! it really comes close to the name. then marko came over with a bottle of wine and we just relaxed. He was nice enough to help my back get better.
Hott damn. could this be a good birthday?
ANSWER: yes.
more celebrating this weekend.
four fingered fisherman.
stoked for the arrival of some swobo goods. (gods) two+ weeks of school left. hoping to get to the kettles this week on thursday. then going to cabin with mark to visit rents and celebrate my birthday with some grilling of amazing food. Then racing the next day. not too sure if i will be racing but if not i will be supporting along with my rents. then more art art art art art art art!
someday the waves.

poetic thoughts flow when one weeps. the hugs of soothing music makes the breathing pattern happen slower. lilfe comes and goes. we celebrate. somehow we even can continue on. family reunites to celebrate a life now lost. tears swirl down a checks crescent. painting becomes a meditation a way to escape. hugs fill from every which way. words of kindness come. a book will flow into the imagination after such a long absence. to Iowa we venture, so many memories of when I was a little lass. Going to the pool, movies, laughter, card playing. Its just done. done. done. done. done. done. done. done? The cycle of life is something that most fear or try to avoid. why is it when someone is not spirited, we only then see what becomes important. When we have to look into a casket it is then that you realize you never connected with a persons body, but their soul. Because you stand there looking and seeing something so lifeless, that you for 22 years only saw full of life.
it is the soul that holds all the beauty. now the soul has flown away.
off to Iowa today. back sunday.
how do you say goodbye?
i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grandma guy
i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grandma guy
The forbidden zone.
been really busy lately. super excited for the mtb season to come. need some goodies from swobo. hopefully soon. they have lovely shorts. todays forecast looks like it is going to get to 80! damn.
on the docket.
-8 etchings.
-run every morning.
-another paper 5 pages.
-pay credit card off.
-dry point etching.
- 4 prints of every etching plate for portfolio.
-stop animation movie.
-swobo buys.
trying to work on my biking short tan.
on the docket.
-8 etchings.
-run every morning.
-another paper 5 pages.
-pay credit card off.
-dry point etching.
- 4 prints of every etching plate for portfolio.
-stop animation movie.
-swobo buys.
trying to work on my biking short tan.
tonight. the decemberists. cannot wait. literally. got off work a little early which was really nice. did the paoli loop yesterday with mark. my lungs felt it. i blame the mold in our house to my bronchitis last year and my lungs being shatty once again. ran this morning. really trying to get in better shape. for me and for racing.
i have been waiting for this concert ever since nick becker introduced me to them and i say iron and wine for free. tricky tricky.
sold the madone, which is nice to get a right fitting bike finally.
im off to have a lovely glass of red wine.
i have been waiting for this concert ever since nick becker introduced me to them and i say iron and wine for free. tricky tricky.
sold the madone, which is nice to get a right fitting bike finally.
im off to have a lovely glass of red wine.
liken to a whisper. liken to a radio.
today another beautiful day on the weather side. one wakes sleepy as can be. yoga. class. biking. then went for a hike. then biked. then had ice cream. gut rut. come home. warm. still light out! ahhh, so happy. bike is selling on ebay and it had reached its reserve stoked abou that. will be nice for paying some bills off and doing other good things.
word for the day: harmony.
word for the day: harmony.
someone who gives up her life. for months upon months. in a large family, yet does not attend to the other parts of her family. frustrations. the pain increases and the medication levels go up. stronger. making one more numb. to be ready to pass. yet we sit with a bored conversation of nothingness. numb and one frustrated. one longing in a far away unknown wishing to be with their other. to create things many call to be memories. and here i sit, in frustrations of one family trying to cope and another loosing their tightness. frustrations. fuck this shit.
along for the ride.
finally starting to feel better. only about two weeks later. it could be worse, i suppose. team pic up on bkb site. selling the bike too small for me. need the money more then it sitting on my trainer. back to work after a long and painful absence. changing more ways in my life to be more environmentally friendly!! damn global warming. whose to blame? yeah that is right people. greedy ones. excited to see 50's back in the forecast right as i am turning a wing with illness. missing WA. but will return. excited to start hiking and biking. thats all i have. if you want to help marko out go to his blog.
give a local some lovin.

marko needs to go to scotland. as you can imagine it isnt the cheapest thing. but with his amount of riding hes been doing and his tactics to kill things, he needs to be there. if any of you who read this can help him out by any amount that would be much appreciated. by him and the ones who know him. and how rad would that be if someone from the midwest dominated? yeah thats what i thought!
im si k. c.
green tea. throat numbing lozenges. sudafed. urgent care. vitamins. echinacea. tea. tea. tea. pee.
i want to ride my bike.
i want to ride my bike.
WA final.
last day in seattle, wa. wa just in general. ventured about 2 hours north to pick up the fairy to the san jaun islands. hour one way. pretty cool. i guess it is a bit more alive in the summer months. being active everyday had made me itch. been doing yoga, hiking, walking a ton. and wanting my bike more then ever!
really stoked to come home and start kicking the shit outta me. in a postive way. organics.
flight bright and early. mark picking me up. not wanting the cold weather.
going to miss this state, if you have never been please do, it is amazing!
really stoked to come home and start kicking the shit outta me. in a postive way. organics.
flight bright and early. mark picking me up. not wanting the cold weather.
going to miss this state, if you have never been please do, it is amazing!
wa. dos.
went to the zoo yesterday. havent been to a zoo in years. amazing. favorite animal of the day for me was definitely the hippo. went for another hike yesterday, my favorite one. it was super steep, there were hang gliders going off the mountain and the eagles were dancing with the gliders. i am most certainly coming back here maybe in may so i can too hang glide, tandem, with someone that knows what the heck they are doing. got some amazing pics from that. up on thursday or friday.
today comes the fairy ride. to the an island. then back to REI. to buy some trekking poles. then to hike some more. everyone is so friendly here and active. tons of bikers. i applaude them for attacking these hills.
anyways back to the good life.
i hear its snowing in wisconsin. that sucks. i thought i would come home to sunny weather again.
today comes the fairy ride. to the an island. then back to REI. to buy some trekking poles. then to hike some more. everyone is so friendly here and active. tons of bikers. i applaude them for attacking these hills.
anyways back to the good life.
i hear its snowing in wisconsin. that sucks. i thought i would come home to sunny weather again.
hike number one gave its way today. a bit cold. dogs swarm with their active families. its a fantastic place here.
coming up soon.
rei more.
underground seattle.
space needle.
trekking poles.
im off to more exploring.
coming up soon.
rei more.
underground seattle.
space needle.
trekking poles.
im off to more exploring.
seattle day one!
arrived in seattle safely, without too many bumps. made an old lady friend. she told me " i could have been her daughter" haha. going to go to the zoo. space needle. art museums. art art art bike store. AHHHH there are frickin cherry blossoms here. i could die happy in one of those trees!
BLISS. more later. i love it here!!
BLISS. more later. i love it here!!
oh and famous people.
bike love.
sitting drinking wine day dreaming of biking. i miss jumping on my saddle and just going. I feel that last year i had more time and energy for it. recently just got time granted to biking more. it will make my week fly by and release those beautiful things called endorphins. need to sell my madone sooner then later. need to build up my new road bike. bike shop getting crazy busy. going to miss some people but going to see some people in seattle. super excited. hair cuts are amazing for wearing helmets. now my pink helmet fits better. glorious.
today is a day of procrastination.
i had a flash back today of working in my old bike shop where all i could think of was hoping on my bicycle. it came back. i needed that!
bokoo i miss you, oddly.
today is a day of procrastination.
i had a flash back today of working in my old bike shop where all i could think of was hoping on my bicycle. it came back. i needed that!
bokoo i miss you, oddly.
biking home this morning came as a lovely surprise. it was raining but around thirty degrees so not really cold. It was invigorating. maybe the signs of spring. rumor has it there are storms coming this evening! life is still. at this moment at least. hair appointment friday.
seattle next friday, cannot wait!!
seattle next friday, cannot wait!!
university ave.
biking down university ave after a fresh brew of coffee filling my stomach. while biking towards the west. in the direction of whole foods lets say. so in the biking lane. all of a sudden i hear someone honking thinking ahhh what dumb shats in their cars. only to notice that she is honking at me. SHE IS IN THE FUCKIN BIKE LANE. while i am getting a surge of rage, i start flicking her off with my mittens, calling her every name i can possibly think of while pointing at the BIKE LANE part.
what a cun*.
wrapping up all my feelings about how dumb some drivers are..
its scary no?
what a cun*.
wrapping up all my feelings about how dumb some drivers are..
its scary no?
the sun.
spring time is here early. spring temps were thought to be here. staying optimistic is all we have. new kicks (salomon) come in handy. new chop to come. needing to hop on that bike 100% more. fuck where had my time gone? today starts out with a 28. that would have seemed to have been warm about three weeks ago. voodoo almost completly finished. spacers were lacking last night to finish the 1part of the one by nine.
need the sun and the shine. need the saddle time.
cheers for now. bare your bums and check out the 29er gary fisher team.
need the sun and the shine. need the saddle time.
cheers for now. bare your bums and check out the 29er gary fisher team.
he shouldnt have.
against me last night. crazy time. marko will have photos sometime soon. check it out. never knew the orpheum was such a rad venue. SO TIRED STILL. 13 and 40 minutes on saturday working. 11- 12 yesterday. no sleep and a hang over in there. exhausted.
bars are a bitch when silver.
wanting to build up my new road bike with all silver components.
DO you know of anyone that makes a road bar oversized in silver? there has to be someone. damnit. 40.
DO you know of anyone that makes a road bar oversized in silver? there has to be someone. damnit. 40.
friday the 9th.

the bike week starts for me. its gonna be a crazy one working all weekend. taking more hours if i want. the good thing about this week would have to be pay week, pay day for that matter. going to consume to much coffee. come home and possibly start spinning on the trainer, since i wont have time for outdoors. ideas swirrling for some ink. have to wait awhile. getting a new road bike that will fit. cannot wait. is there a green trend falling into place in my life? i hope so. i havent ridden my track bike in months thinking i shall start tonight on behalf od the weather. that bike fits me nicely or i feel good on it. painting ideas keep coming. i love mixed media in my work personally. been shutting the door to the cats so i can get some sleep its been working. too many thoughts too little time.
etching is a art that involves a process. but within that. an amazing thing. i lit a huge wick if you will and smoked my plate, i thought i may burn down the place on accident. luckily someone was there to help so that didnt happen. right now i am making a print that i fuckin love. super stoked about it. i am actually letting it sit in the acid as i type. and while listening to the decemberists.
oh and something in the works of a sexy steel lemond, is a coming. be ready. who wants to buy my damn madone 5.2 51 ladies bike? eh. ultegra. in amazing shape. if you do talk to me. soon.
back to the acid bath.
oh and something in the works of a sexy steel lemond, is a coming. be ready. who wants to buy my damn madone 5.2 51 ladies bike? eh. ultegra. in amazing shape. if you do talk to me. soon.
back to the acid bath.
a thought.
what i want more then anything right now is to lay in a field of flowers in the middle of nowhere and just breathe.
and it was glorious.

i biked to work yesterday morning before the snow fall. i was goin pretty fucking slow and trying to crank hard realizing i need to put more saddle time in. I did notice however that my saddle definitely need to go up at least an inch. but i didnt feel like halling out my tool and altering it. work. during lets say the last two hours of work there came white in a fucking scream! when i got outside there was at least two inches probably more like three. i had my saddle where it needed to be, i had everything where it mainly felt right. i wasnt wearing my biking shoes which made for a slippery ride. but HOLY FUCK. all i could think to myself (with a huge smile on my face) was this is why these guys and gals love these bikes. I wsas cutting through the snow going fast and loving it, i was underdress and i didnt even notice it.
today this morning biking home was another story, my bike still as rad as can be, but the conditions sucked horribly. i was biking on the roads then tried to give the bike path a go. no luck too much snow and not plowed at all and not enough traffic. so then i ended up riding the whole way home on the roads with cars slipping all over the place. interesting.. i thought i would get a "you're fucking crazy" or a finger and honk, but no. ...
finally got home took longer obviously but my dambala is fucking killer in every sene and every-way.
be safe biking in this weather it throws you all over the place. wear your helmet!
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